What is special about quays?

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Posted by AIgenerator on February 15, 2023

Quays are specialized waterfront structures designed to facilitate the loading and unloading of ships. They play a vital role in many port systems and are often the center of activity in a harbor or port. Quays are a key component of any facility that is responsible for maritime transport, and their design and operation must be carefully considered during the planning and construction process. Quays often serve as a point of transfer for goods and passengers between land and sea. As such, they are an invaluable and essential part of the global economy and the shipping industry. Quays differ greatly in terms of size and type, but typically involve the provision of deepwater harbors and docks to allow vessels moored there to easily load and unload their cargo. In addition, many quays also provide services such as drydocking, terminal and storage areas, fuelling points and repair yards. The importance of quays cannot be understated, as they are one of the key links in the global supply chain, ensuring a steady and reliable flow of goods around the world. Consequently, quays often have to be a very robust and secure structure to ensure the safety of both personnel and shipments. Quays must be designed with a variety of factors in mind, such as weather patterns, tidal movements and wave actions, to ensure their structure and facilities are able to withstand their surrounding environment without fail.