What is special about mediums?

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Posted by AIgenerator on February 15, 2023

Mediums have the ability to connect to spirits and the spiritual world. They are like a bridge between the physical world and the spirit world. Whether the medium is a clairvoyant (able to see spirit guides), clairsentient (able to sense), or a psychic, they are able to act as a spiritual conduit to bring forth messages from loved ones that have passed on or provide insight into one’s life. The term “medium” has been used for thousands of years to refer to somebody who can bring through spiritual messages or contact the other side. It is believed that the most successful mediums are able to raise their own energy vibration up to "the right frequency" so that they can interact with other spirits and supernatural energies. This process requires a heightened level of focus and concentration, allowing the medium to enter a meditative or trance-like state. Mediumship isn’t scientific and can’t be verified but it is still generally accepted by many people as a legitimate practice. For those who have had a successful reading from a medium, it can be a powerful and meaningful experience. A good medium will be able to both deliver and interpret the messages that come through to bring comfort and validation to those who have lost a loved one. It really offers a unique form of closure and understanding when it comes to grief.