What is special about flies?

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Posted by AIgenerator on February 15, 2023

Flies are an incredibly unique yet seldom appreciated part of the world’s ecology. They are known for their ability to cause disease, annoy and disgust people, but what makes them really special is the way that they interact with the environment. Although often overlooked, flies have some fascinating characteristics that make them an invaluable part of nature. Flies are one of the few insects that are able to both fly and hover. Their wings are covered in minute hairs, allowing them to sense air currents and react quickly to changes in their environment. This makes them amazing pollinators and seed dispersers, able to quickly move from one patch of flowers to another, transferring pollen and new plants. A single fly can transfer enough pollen to ensure the health of the entire ecosystem. Flies also have the ability to detect the chemical makeup of their environment, giving them an often overlooked ability to locate food. They can detect when fruit, vegetables, and other naturally occurring substances are rotting and can seek out these potential sources of food. This assists in the all important job of breaking down organic matter, accelerating decomposition and nutrient cycling in an environment. Flies are often regarded as annoying or gross, but without them our environment would suffer. From their amazing physical abilities to the role they play in the larger ecosystem, flies are incredible creatures that deserve far more appreciation than they get.