Swarm behavior describes the collective behavior of decentralized systems such as animals, insects, and robots. It refers to the intelligent and coordinated movements of large numbers of individual agents, who work together to achieve common goals. In nature, this can be seen in the flocking of birds and the swarming of bees. Through the use of swarm intelligence, these decentralized and self-organizing systems can display the kind of collective behavior that results in higher efficiency, faster problem solving, and better decision making. By utilizing the collective intelligence of a swarm, complex tasks can be broken down into smaller pieces and distributed among individual members, leading to a more efficient system as a whole. Swarm behavior has been increasingly adopted in robotics to create intelligent and autonomous systems. Through AI-enabled robots, swarms can autonomously search for targets, identify patterns, and coordinate with each other to optimize their performance. By using swarm robots in fields such as agriculture, manufacturing, and security, tasks can be completed faster and more efficiently than ever before. In addition, swarm robotics can be employed in public safety, search and rescue operations, and humanitarian applications, making their potential reach even further. In summary, swarm behavior is a fascinating phenomenon that is being utilized in a wide range of applications.Thanks to the self-organizing properties of decentralized systems and the collective intelligence of swarm robots, a variety of complex tasks can be completed more efficiently from fields such as agriculture, security, and public safety.