Sloths are truly special animals, largely due to their slow-paced life and unique adaptations. They are found in the rainforests of Central and South America and distinguish themselves from other mammals with their long limbs, curved claws and low metabolism. Sloths move extremely slowly and can spend upwards of 15 hours a day sleeping and resting on tree branches. This energy conservation helps them to survive in an environment with a limited and variable food supply. Sloths also maintain a strict diet of leaves and are careful about how energy is used, allowing them to survive for long periods without food. Sloths have built an extraordinary relationship with algae and other organisms. Many species of algae live on their fur and provide the animals with not only camouflage from potential threats, but also additional nutrition. Sloths have even been observed “gardening” when they groom their fur, transferring the algae colonies to different areas on their body in order to keep their fur green, healthy, and comfortable. Due to the special, symbiotic relationships between sloths, algae, and their environment, these gentle animals are an important part of the rainforest ecosystem. By conserving energy and taking advantage of the available nutrition, sloths provide an example of how to coexist in harmony with one’s surroundings.