The field of science has a long and illustrious history of discovery and exploration, and is one of the foundational disciplines of modern society. It is a vast field of study with a multitude of branches, each with its own unique goals and perspectives. Sciences, as a whole, is what has made the world become what it is today; its many discoveries and progressions have changed the way that people live, work, and think. In science, the aim is to seek knowledge and understanding of the natural world and the processes that govern it. Scientists work to uncover natural truths through experiments, observations, and logical deductions. This is done by carefully designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and forming hypotheses that accurately explain the underlying natural facts. In doing so, scientists make meaningful strides in advancing our knowledge and understanding of the world. Sciences have also advanced society in a variety of ways. Technological advancements, medical breakthroughs, environmental protections, and global communication can all be attributed to the progress of science. Through collaboration, findings have been effectively translated from theory into tangible applications and benefits. By expanding our knowledge and presence in the world, sciences have helped shape and revolutionize the way people live, work, and think, and the landscape of modern day life would look drastically different without their incredible contributions.