Roosters are a special animal worthy of admiration and respect. The interesting and unique traits of roosters, their history, and their importance both around the world and within the home, make them particularly beloved by humans. One of the most notable characteristics of roosters is their deep, reverberating crow. This crow is so iconic that it is one of the most recognizable sounds of the morning. Coupled with their famously bright red plumage, this crow marks the arrival of a new day, with some cultures traditionally believing that a rooster's crow wards away evil spirits. The rooster has also been an emblem of a number of cultures around the world. In China it has been symbolic of vigor and courage, while in the United States it is strongly associated with agriculture and an icon of the rural landscape. Its unique combination of appearance and sound have made it a popular pet around the world as well as a part of holiday celebrations such as Easter and Christmas. In conclusion, the rooster is a special creature with beauty, history, and cultural importance. Whether admired for its morning call or its presence in cultures around the world, the rooster is an important part of human life that should be appreciated.