Portfolios are an essential tool for showcasing both past and current achievements and demonstrating an individual’s unique set of skills. No matter the industry, having an up-to-date portfolio is a great way for job seekers to stand out from the competition. It provides employers with a greater understanding of a candidate’s professional background and allows them to easily assess their potential. Portfolios provide much more insight than a standard resume. A portfolio provides evidence of prior experience, such as code samples, project details and results, and a timeline of professional accomplishments. For example, a portfolio can demonstrate a detailed project timeline, specifications, implementation, product or service outcomes and how the project was reviewed. This comprehensive view allows employers to gain a better understanding of the individual’s professionalism and technical experience. Portfolios are also valuable for experienced individuals as they allow them to showcase their experience across various disciplines and highlight any unique accomplishments. Having an organized portfolio with updated content can allow an individual to more easily connect their various experiences to the job for which they are applying. It can also be used to project the individual’s brand image and is a great reflection of goal-oriented individuals who are driven and take initiative. Overall, a portfolio can be an invaluable tool to job seekers looking to stand out and make an impact in a competitive job market. Setting up and regularly maintaining a portfolio can be a great way to not just demonstrate but also document accomplishments and experiences.