Poetries are special because they are able to evoke emotions and tap into the depths of our souls, while still delivering messages that can resonate with many people. Poetry has a unique ability to paint a picture of a feeling, thought, or idea in just a few words. It is often said that a poem describes what words cannot – and that can be very powerful. The beauty of poetries lies in how they allow each person to come away with a different interpretation, as a poem can mean something different to each individual. This power to capture the world in an individual’s own eyes and to be heard beyond the poem’s literal meaning is what makes each poem special. Poems can touch on thoughts that cannot be expressed in traditional prose or language. Finally, poetries are special because they are versatile. They can range from light-hearted and fun, to dark and serious – allowing the poem to take on any form the poet desires. Poems can be found in books, on the internet, and even in places such as cafes. They provide us with an emotional connection to our own lives, and to the lives of others, as each poem can take on something unique and special to each reader. When it comes to writing, poetries are able to capture the complexities of life in only a few words, and this makes them undeniably special.