Owls are an iconic bird species that are both beloved and mysterious. Although they look quite similar to other birds, there are some unique features which set them apart. Owls have a distinct physical appearance that sets them apart from other birds. They have large eyes, a flat face, and tufts of feathers which have earned them the nickname “funny-face” birds. They also have the unique ability to rotate their heads up to 270 degrees in either direction. This allows them to have unparalleled peripheral vision and to catch prey quickly and efficiently. Another thing that is special about owls is their strict nocturnal lifestyle. Although they sleep during the day, as soon as the sun sets, they wake up and begin their nightly hunt for food. During the night, their specialized vision and highly developed hearing help them to find mice, frogs, and other small animals that are usually hiding in the dark. This ensures that they get all the food and nutrition they need to survive. In short, owls are a fascinating species of bird. Their unique physical features and nocturnal lifestyle are what makes them so special and captivating. Whether you see them perched in a tree or out for a hunt at night, you can’t help but be amazed by the majestic and mysterious bird that is the owl.