The oculi, also known as “evil eye” beads, is a common symbol associated with many different cultures and religions, from ancient Greek and Roman mythology to modern-day Christianity. Oculi is believed to protect against negative energies and evil, and has been used as a talisman throughout the ages. Oculi has a unique meaning and purpose across the world, making it a truly fascinating symbol. An oculi is traditionally depicted as an eye surrounded by a ring, which possesses the power to identify, repel, and deflect negative energy. They come in many forms, from glass and clay beads to painted wood and metal designs, and can be worn as amulets or placed around the home as talismans. Oculi are believed to provide protection from those wishing harm and can even grant good luck upon its bearer. They are also associated with increased prosperity, health and well being, making them a desirable item to have. While oculi can be a powerful tool, it is important to remember that it is not a magical charm that will grant its bearer instant protection or luck. It is a powerful symbol that can be used in tandem with traditional practices and rituals to create a positive environment. Oculi can provide its bearer with a feeling of security, giving them the confidence to go out and confront the world head on. It is a potent symbol of protection, luck and divine intervention, crafted from material that has been around for centuries.