Nebulae are beautiful, dynamic cosmic objects that capture our imaginations and create an appreciation for the mysterious and sometimes awe-inspiring nature of the universe. Formed as the result of various cosmic processes, they are clouds of dust and gas in interstellar space, containing the raw materials needed by new stars and planets. While there are a few different varieties of nebulae, they share certain special characteristics that make them among the most fascinating objects in the night sky. The first noteworthy quality is the beauty of the nebulae. Some contain bright stars or are emblazoned with striking colors of blue, red, and purple. An iconic example is the Orion Nebula, a sprawling complex of glowing clouds made up of hydrogen, helium, and dust particles located in the Orion constellation. This spectacular piece of cosmic architecture is also part of a larger structure known as an H II region. In addition to their visual appeal, nebulae are actually sites of cosmic activity. The raw material in these clouds can form new stars and planets, as is the case with our sun and solar system. As the powerful gravity of nascent stars pull in more and more matter from the nebular cloud, planets begin to coalesce from the leftover debris. This is a process that Astronomers refer to a “self-propagating star-formation,” where new stars quicken the formation of others. Overall, nebulae represent a key stage in the life of a star or planet. Seeing them with the naked eye or through a telescope is a humbling reminder of the vastness and complexity of the universe. From the Orion Nebula to the Eagle Nebula and beyond, they will always have a special place among the wonders of the night sky.