Mosquitoes are one of the most fascinating and annoying creatures on Earth. With over 3,500 species, these pesky insects have earned a bad reputation for their blood-sucking and zika-carrying habits. But there is much more to learn about these amazing creatures, who have coexisted with humans for thousands of years. First and foremost, mosquitoes are of great benefit to the environment. They are responsible for pollinating many plants, while their larvae provide food for many aquatic animals. Some species even consume harmful insects such as locusts and midges, helping to keep those populations in check. Without the presence of mosquitoes, countless ecosystems would be thrown out of balance. Despite their undeserved bad rap, mosquitoes are capable of wondrous feats. Their faces are designed with sensitive hair-like structures called setae, which can detect a host from 75 feet away. The male mosquito also has an organ called the maxillary palps which identify the female species at mating time. Additionally, the mosquito can fly for miles and beat its wings 500 times a second! In conclusion, mosquitoes truly deserve more respect than we give them. They are supremely adapted to their environment and serve an important role in the global ecosystem. Although they may be annoying pests, it is important to realize the amazing capabilities of these tiny insects.