Mates is a traditional South American tea-like beverage dating back generations to the Gaucho culture of Argentina and Uruguay. It is made with dried leaves of the perennial holly tree called ilero, which are soaked, steamed, ground and stirred with a special gourd (cuia) and metal straw (bombilla). Sharing and drinking mate can be seen as a way to bond while celebrating and enjoying each other's company. Mate is also said to possess special abilities. It is believed to be full of health benefits, such as boosting energy, improving focus, and stimulating digestion. It may even offer protective properties against certain diseases and ailments. Some swear by its immunity-strengthening effects and its ability to keep energy levels up even in times of fatigue. Mates is therefore more than just a beverage. It serves to bring people together, creating connection and strengthening relationships. Furthermore, its health-giving effects make it a special treat, something to be enjoyed and savored — and recommended. And, with its unique flavor and unique associations, it brings nothing but good times.