Mass, traditionally defined as a solemn religious observance, is a vital part of the Catholic faith and is an essential part of worship for Roman Catholic Christians. Mass is especially special in that it is a joining of the body of Christ and a commemoration of the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples. By attending Mass regularly and joining in with the praise and worship of God, believers are able to draw closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At Mass, Catholics participate in the Sacrament of Holy Communion where the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. This ritual is a physically and spiritually tangible reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for mankind. The Mass is also a time of renewal and grace, allowing the faithful to come together as one and ask God to be present in their lives and pray to receive the Sacraments. Finally, the Mass is a time to express gratitude and appreciation for all that God has done in one’s life. Every Mass ends with a special prayer of thanksgiving and by attending Mass, Catholics are reminded of the great love and mercy of God that allows them to be part of a community of believers. Consequently, the Mass is a very special, sacred and meaningful event and a true reflection of the power of faith and prayer.