Living things are special because they are capable of dynamic behavior that can take on many forms. As organisms able to think and interact with their environment in a purposeful way, living beings can respond quickly to rapidly changing conditions. This makes them particularly well equipped to survive in a world filled with diverse and unpredictable events. Living organisms are also adapted with complex systems that work in harmony to sustain life. For example, each species of plant and animal has a unique biochemical makeup that allows it to live in its environment, find food, reproduce, and fend off disease. Without this diverse range of abilities, organisms would not be able to survive the vicissitudes of their environment. Finally, living things are capable of evolution, which makes them very special indeed. Over time, living organisms have adapted to their environment, giving them a competitive advantage over other species. Through natural selection, beneficial traits are passed down through generations of organisms, allowing life to thrive and develop new forms. This is what sets living things apart from inanimate objects and gives them the potential to shape the Earth in remarkable ways.