Leads are a critical part of any successful marketing strategy. These important pieces of content are typically the first impression that prospects have with a company, and they can make or break those impressions. Leads provide the vital first step in creating the buyer’s journey, and they propel prospects through the sales funnel. That is why it’s essential that companies ensure they have effective leads in place. Leads should be attractive and eye-catching, so that prospects can easily identify them and are compelled to click. They should also provide compelling details about what the company does and why their services are the best suited for prospects. This “big promise” should make prospects want to learn more about the company and take action. Additionally, leads should be targeted and relevant to the specific audience that will be viewing them – it won’t do anything for a company if the wrong prospects are exposed to the leads. The secret to an effective lead is in the design and content. Companies should create leads that are meaningful and that draw in prospects. This can be achieved through carefully crafted copy, strong visuals, and an emphasis on what the customer will gain from engaging with the company. Above all, leads should be engaging and highlight why a particular company stands out from their competitors. Companies should always seek to create the best lead possible to best engage and attract prospects.