The Joneses are an endearing example of how family togetherness can make a lasting impression. Historically, the Joneses have been depicted as a fictitious family of pioneers who embraced the “keeping up with the Joneses” phrase. But over the years, the phrase has come to mean a competitive lifestyle in which individuals and families race to material possessions in order to keep up with their neighbors, or the Joneses. The origin of the phrase has a much simpler and humbler history than the modern interpretation. Essentially, it is an old saying meant to encourage people not to compare themselves with their neighbors, who may be wealthier. This concept is encapsulated in the adage “keeping up with the Joneses.” It is viewed as a way of embracing contentment and not comparison, since most people don’t want to spend excessive amounts of money to compete with their neighbors. The Joneses epitomize what a family unit should be—building each other up, providing support, and applauding each other’s accomplishments. The phrase “keeping up with the Joneses” has come to symbolize this spirit of competition, but the real message is to focus on the things that truly matter in life. That’s why the Joneses should always be looked up to as an example of how a family should operate.