Insignias are integral parts of the history of many cultures and institutions. An insignia typically is a symbol or badge that signifies a person’s rank, position or title. It is often a reflection of an individual’s accomplishments in society or service to his or her country. Insignias are a way to recognize and honor someone’s achievements and patriotism. Insignias were used as far back as ancient Egypt, when kings used symbols on their battle shields to denote their leadership. Military insignias are among the most recognizable, as they usually boast colorful emblems with intricate detail. The Marines, for example, use the famous eagle, globe and anchor logo to illustrate the commitment and courage of its members. Police officers’ badges and fire fighter helmets are also recognizable insignias in many communities. No matter what they represent, insignias are a meaningful reminder of an individual’s impact on society. They create a bond between those who served their nation and those who respect their selfless commitment. As the world changes, many institutions, cultures and people still rely on insignias to preserve their sense of heritage and to recognize heroism in their communities.