Hobos are unique in their own way, and have had a misunderstood place in American society for hundreds of years. They have often been portrayed as lawless and poor, but this is far from the truth. Hoboes have had an integral part in America’s history, as they have taken risks by leaving their homes to live a transient lifestyle and travel across the country in pursuit of hard work and adventure. Hobos have a very distinct culture, which is often passed down from generation to generation. Hoboes typically live outside of modern society, relying on their own skills, hard work, and resourcefulness in order to make ends meet. They have developed their own “code of the road” when interacting with others, which emphasizes politeness, kindness, and integrity. Hoboes take pride in their lifestyle, which has often been seen as a romanticized version of an American adventure. Hobos also have an important role in preserving storytelling and lore. Many Hoboes are skilled musicians who travel from place to place, entertaining people along the way with stories, songs, and jokes. These stories often provide the listener with a glimpse into the Hobo’s soul, as each person has a unique story to tell. Hoboes are also known to take care of one another in times of need, forming strong bonds along the way. Overall, there is a lot to admire about the Hobo culture and its many traditions. While they tend to live on the fringes of society, they have played an important role in American history and continue to thrive today, despite being so misunderstood. As Hoboes continue to travel and share their stories, they will preserve the timeless tradition of storytelling for generations to come.