Histories are incredibly significant because they are the thorough and meticulous record of the past. Not only do they describe events and people with great detail, they also explain their influence on the current state of our society, allowing future generations to learn from the triumphs and mistakes of our ancestors. Histories include tremendous amounts of information and can be written on any number of subjects, ranging from the history of a particular person, place, or thing, to the chronicle of an entire nation. Histories allow us to better understand the past by providing us with a comprehensive narrative of human experience throughout history. With the help of histories, people in the present can gain valuable insight into the motivations and reasoning behind some of the key moments of history. This can lead to a greater appreciation for all that our ancestors accomplished and inspire future generations to build upon their successes. More than a collection of facts, histories are often couched in the unique cultural perspectives, norms, and values of the specific time period in which they are written. As such, histories can tell us a great deal about the human experience in a given era and even provide us with a glimpse into the daily lives of our forbears. With a keen eye for detail, studying histories can open up entire worlds to students and readers alike.