Hexes are a powerful and ancient form of magical protection that many different cultures from around the world have used for centuries. A hex is a spell, often described as a curse, and it is used to invoke a supernatural force for a variety of reasons. The hex is meant to cause harm, and can often be used to protect a person or place from negative influences by invoking the power of the spirit world. Hexes are distinct from curses in that they are performed in a specific pattern and involve a certain arrangement of objects, symbols, and words. HEXes are often created through the use of folk magic and can involve things such as axioms and sentinels, or in more traditional methods, such as candles and runes. There are many different types of Hexes, all with distinct methods of performance and intentions as to why they should be invoked. The power of a Hex is believed to be incredibly strong, and can range from being used as a protection to causing great harm to those who break its effects. Hexes remain a part of many cultures around the world and its power is still respected and feared by many even in modern times. Despite their often negative connotations, Hexes can be used for positive purposes to protect and bless individuals, homes, and communities.