Graffiti is a form of art that has transcended culture, language, and time. Graffitos are a unique type of art that has a variety of styles and uses which have been practiced since ancient times. While most people view graffiti as an eyesore, it has become an increasingly interesting form of artwork that has various formats and a wide range of ideas and meanings behind it. Graffiti has existed since ancient times, and the earliest form of graffiti was found in the ruins of Pompeii. It was used to express political unrest or to spread ideologies throughout the city. Ancient graffiti can also be found in various biblical stories, such as in the writings of ancient scholars such as Homer. Through its various uses, graffiti has evolved into an art style with its own set of rules. Graffiti is often used as a commentary on society and its ills, as well as providing a platform for emerging artists to showcase their work. Modern graffiti is a way for people to express themselves and has been adopted by many contemporary artists. Graffiti has been used in films, music videos, and commercials as a way to present a message or tell a story. It is also used by political activists as a way to spread awareness and get their message heard. Despite its reputation, graffiti has become a way for people to communicate and make a statement without needing words. Although its past has been controversial, graffiti is now being appreciated for its beauty and its powerful messages. It is a form of art that is filled with meaning and can inspire those who view it. Graffiti is both a creative outlet and a form of expression that allows people to express themselves and make their voices heard. Graffiti will continue to evolve and bring beauty to the world.