Garages are more than just a place to store a car and a few do-it-yourself items - they are an integral part of American culture and lifestyle. For many, a garage marks the entryway into a hobby, weekend tradition or form of self-expression. In a few short words - garages are awesome! Garages can offer a kind of freedom - a place for people to tinker, work on projects or even just relax and enjoy. They are often far removed from the hustle and bustle of the house and offer a place to work on a car or even just a few tools, isolate yourself from the stress of daily life and connect to your own creativity. Garages are archetypal of the American Dream - places where people get to turn their dreams into reality and can take on any challenge without constraints of time, money or resources. In garages, an idea can become an invention and a dream car can become a labor of love. Many homes in America are defined by the garage that sits on the property and by the dreams, ambitions, and projects that live inside.