Dolphins are incredibly special creatures and they are incredibly beloved by people all over the world. From the way they look to the way they interact with people and other marine life, dolphins truly have something special about them. One thing that makes dolphins special is their intelligence. Dolphins are highly intelligent animals and have been known to show signs of independent problem solving. They have the ability to use tools and develop unique social bonds. For example, bottlenose dolphins have been known to form groups and teach each other various behaviors. Research suggests that young dolphins are tutored by older more experienced dolphins which proves their high level of intelligence. Additionally, dolphins make special interactions with humans which make them even more special. For centuries, people have been known to interact with dolphins in different ways. Dolphins have been observed following a boat, playing in the waves created by it, jumping out of the water and surfing in the bow wake of a boat, or even making close contact with humans by touching and rubbing against them. These special interactions demonstrate just how friendly and social dolphins can be when they feel safe and comfortable. In conclusion, dolphins are incredibly special creatures. From their high level of intelligence to their friendly interactions with humans, dolphins are treasured in many cultures. People can appreciate dolphin’s special traits and all the different ways they interact with us.