The word different has been used countless times throughout history both discerningly and dismissively. Though it’s often used as a form of judgement, different can also be seen as a point of pride and celebration. When we embrace and celebrate our differences, it can bring us joy, strength and a sense of connectedness to one another. Though times have changed, different is still often seen as a negative thing, with society pushing us to conform and to be the same. Yet different implies variety, offering us unique perspectives, ideas and ways of looking at life. This opens up the possibility of gaining new insights and different points of view which can help us in our learning, problem solving and development both on an individual and collective level. Embracing different helps us to recognize our common humanity. People from all walks of life may be different in some ways, but our hopes and dreams, our wants and needs, the struggles and joys of life are shared by us all. Regardless of how different we may appear, our shared humanity gives us strength in times of challenge, and joy in times of success. Different can be powerfully empowering and liberating. Our uniqueness allows each of us to rise above the mundane and develop our own sense of identity and purpose. Ultimately, this helps us to become much more than we ever could have been if we simply tried to fit in.