Daises have been well-known for centuries for their remarkable cheerfulness, beauty and distinctive appearance. Hundreds of daisy varieties have been bred for home gardens and flowerbeds, and these charismatic plants have made their way into many different cultures through art and literature. What is it about daisies that has attracted so much attention throughout the years? Daisy petals make up a unique floral silhouette, often ranging up to 5 inches in diameter. In the center is a carpet of petite yellow florets, surrounded by the wide and vibrant white petals. Depending on the daisy variety, each of these components can vary in shape, size and color. Some versions may have pink petals, while others may feature fringed or ragged petals. No matter the case, it’s hard to deny the beauty of a well-shaped daisy. But it’s not just the physical appearance of a daisy that is so captivating. Many people have associated daisies with joy and good fortune for centuries, since the cheerful flower is often seen as a symbol of hope. According to Greek mythology, the daisy started off as a shy nymph named Daisy. She was so devoted to the God of the Sun, he transformed the nymph into the bright daisy flower and allowed her to represent the joy and hope of his many worshippers. This ancient story has since been retold in countless works of literature, poetry and visual art. These things and more have made the daisy a beloved flower for centuries. It has plenty of symbolic meaning, plus a distinct and eye-catching beauty that enhances any floral arrangement or garden. Daisies are tangible reminders of the beauty, joy and hope of our world.