Dairies are a special agricultural business that are the foundation of many local communities. Dairies provide food, farmland conservation, and economic stability in both rural and metropolitan areas. Not only do dairies provide these necessary goods and services, but often times their culture has a profound impact on their local communities. Dairies are most often associated with the production of milk, but they also produce many products such as butter, cheese, ice cream, and other related goods. It is estimated that dairies process around 10 billion gallons of milk each year in the United States alone. Dairy products are a major component of the American diet and can be traced back to early European settlers who brought cows with them on their ships to America. Dairies are unique businesses because they are often small, family-owned businesses that represent the dreams, aspirations, and commitments of their proprietors. As with any small business, dairies face many challenges from managing costs to responding to customer demands. But long after the challenges, the local community is still benefiting from the commitment these entities display. From providing quality food products to being an example of a sustainable agricultural business model, families that own and operate dairies take pride in being a part of their local communities.