Criticisms are essential tools for learning and growth. They can be painful to experience, but when viewed objectively, criticisms can be powerful sources of feedback that helps us become better versions of ourselves. One thing that makes criticisms special is that they can provide information that we may otherwise be unaware of. If a colleague tells us that we’re not communicating effectively, that may prompt us to make changes in how we communicate with others. Similarly, a professor’s comments on a paper may clarify aspects that we've overlooked in our analysis. Another great thing about criticisms is that they can be a way to challenge our thinking and generate new ideas. Receiving criticism can be an opportunity to explore a different point of view and help us build upon our existing ideas. Constructive criticism can help us discover our blind spots, recognize areas for improvement, and explore new routes of thought. In this way, criticisms can be seen as a powerful tool for learning and growth. By taking the time to objectively think through criticism and integrate what resonates, we can come to a better understanding of ourselves, our work, and our place in the world.