Craniums are a fascinating and highly complex part of the human body. The cranium is composed of several different components including the skull, brain, face, and spine. Each of these elements plays a unique and important role in the functioning of the human body and senses. The skull, or cranium, is the outermost layer of the human skull and serves both a protective and aesthetic purpose. It guards the brain, supporting the face and protecting it from injury. The shape of the skull also plays a role in the individual's facial features and look, as it determines the shape of the face and the size of the forehead. Additionally, the weight and size of the cranium can affect how the brain is balanced, how it sits within the skull and how the spinal cord functions. The brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body and is protected by the cranium. Without the cranium, the brain could not properly develop and sustain its important functions. It also serves as a protective barrier to keep the delicate neural tissue beneath safe from hazardous substances. Furthermore, it assists in maintaining the temperature of the brain by absorbing energy from the external environment, along with controlling and regulating balance and spatial orientation. As we can clearly see, the cranium plays a vital role in not only the protection of the brain, but also in the overall shape of the face and functionality of the human body. Without this important organ, the complexity and intricate structure of the human body would be impossible.