Crabs are fascinating creatures that offer an abundance of intriguing qualities. From their rich history to their ecological importance, crabs are an integral part of many diverse ecosystems—and they even hold a special place in our hearts! One of the most amazing things about crabs is that they date back to the Cambrian period, hundreds of millions of years ago. This makes them one of the oldest animals on Earth, providing valuable insight into ancient ecologies. Since then, countless species of crabs have inhabited virtually every marine, terrestrial, and freshwater environment on the planet. And with an estimated 4,500 species still in existence, they are among the most diverse groups of animals on Earth. Not only do crabs play a significant role in aquatic food webs, but they’re also a popular culinary staple around the world. From the Chesapeake Bay blue crab in North America to the Alaska king crab, these crustaceans are an iconic part of many coastal cultures. Beyond their delicious taste, crabs also make for a great adventure when caught wild—an experience that often stirs up memories of childhood and adventure. In short, crabs provide a unique combination of history, cuisine, and grand adventure that only adds to their charm. To many, they are special creatures that are worth protecting and cherishing. With each new experience, we can’t help but marvel at the wonders of these ancient crustaceans.