Coxes are a unique figure in the world of rowing. They are the coaches, leaders, and navigators among the crew, and yet their presence is typically overshadowed by the rowers themselves. While the success and performance of the crew as a whole is due in large part to their efforts, coxes and their important role often go unrecognized. A cox is the only person in the boat facing forward, giving them a unique vantage point of the course. From this elevated seat, the cox has to be equal parts strategist and leader. Taking command of eight rowers and the boat itself, the cox calls out the necessary strokes and commands to create a unified and effective rowing motion. Additionally, they must navigate and steer the boat while maintaining their frame of reference in the changing environment. This means that the cox is constantly managing between their forward facing view, the rowing motion of the crew, and their navigation duties, all while providing encouragement and support to the crew. In many ways, the cox is a silent leader. Rather than supplying the physical energy of the crew, they take the lead by being the collective voice and guiding force. They have to have strong interpersonal skills, giving both positive and constructive feedback to motivate and support the crew, and a vast understanding of the sport. All of this is packaged in a tiny seat, making the importance of their presence unparalleled. It takes an extraordinary individual to excel in this role, which is why the true value of a cox is often overlooked.