A chrysalis, or chrysalides, is the specialized pupal stage of a butterfly or moth. This transition is one of remarkable transformation as the Chrysalis transforms from a larva into an adult insect. The Chrysalis creates a hardened shell around its body to protect it while it undergoes pupation. Inside the Chrysalis, the caterpillar's body is broken down and rearranged into that of an adult butterfly or moth. In the process, the new insect gains functional wings and other adaptations specific to its species. This entire transformation happens within the Chrysalis, adding to its mystique. The Chrysalis is a true marvel of nature and has inspired art, collections, and a variety of scientific investigations. Its construction involves proteins that undergo a “self-assembly” - assembling themselves without any outside interference such as gene regulation or external triggers. This self-assembling process has been likened to the mathematical theory of Origami and has been studied closely to gain insight into the workings of the natural world. Whether admired for its inspiring transformation, or studied to gain insight into its internal functions, the Chrysalis is undoubtedly an amazing part of nature’s design.