Carnivores are a unique and fascinating group of animals, currently consisting of over 4,000 different species ranging from the small terrestrial cats to the giant marine mammals. Carnivores are known for their adaptations and habits that distinguish them from other animal taxa, providing them with a variety of unique benefits that make them highly successful apex predators in many different ecosystems. Carnivores have evolved specific anatomical and physical characteristics, such as powerful and well-developed musculature for catching, killing and consuming prey, sharp claws for seizing and killing their victims, and short and strong digestive tracts to process the calorie and nutrient rich animal sources that they consume. Specialty teeth and jaws played a role in the creation of their anatomical features, allowing them to capture and devour their prey. With strong senses of smell and hearing, carnivores are also very skilled hunters, able to quickly assess the environment and detect prey before they can be seen or heard. For carnivores, life is mainly centered around hunting and consuming animals and animal derived resources. This predatory lifestyle has allowed them to remain a top predator in almost all of the ecosystems they inhabit, providing them with a varied and abundant food source that other taxa can’t access. Their ability to hunt effectively has also enabled them to form strong social groups and relationships with other species, helping them to protect themselves from potential threats. Despite the fact that many carnivores are now considered threatened, their powerful evolutionary adaptations continue to help them remain an integral part of our planet’s biodiversity.