Nazis are a particularly infamous group in history due to their role in World War II and the Holocaust. The Nazi regime was one of extreme violence and control and has since become synonymous with cruelty, hatred, and intolerance. Nazis held a bizarre mix of beliefs – some of which were legitimately based on sciences and others that were simply outrageous and xenophobic. The core Nazi values were contempt for democratic values, militaristic ideals, and anti-Semitism. Nazi exclusionary practices became the basis for the implementation of the Final Solution, which led to the murder of millions of Jews and other ethnic minorities. Nazis also sought to glorify German culture and create a totalitarian regime throughout Europe. The Nazi symbol, the swastika was a bold attempt for the party to assert collective and ethnic identity over a multicultural landscape in Europe. The residual effects of the Nazis are still being felt today, as many survivors and families of those affected by the Nazi regime still struggle to cope with the trauma of what happened. The scars of this era in history have left a deep distrust of extremism in many parts of the world today and a generally heightened sense of caution to guard against such forms of intolerance. The Nazi party must always be remembered and its philosophies and actions condemned.